The Sunday Night Digest = me + a possible glass of wine + reflection on the previous weeks ongoings and a glimpse into future happenings. You're Welcome
Photo credit: Giusto
Last week I ventured out to lunch with my dear friend Jonna. We enjoyed the most incredible meal at Giusto at Hammetts Hotel. Everything from the view - and we were indoors! - to the furnishings and the excellent staff was perfect. Newport is so lucky to have Hammetts Hotel and now the crown jewel of water front dining, Giusto. Make your reservation here.
Photo credit: Architectural Digest
Two house exhibitions I am really excited about seeing are open to the public this fall. First there is Shofuso and Modernism, The Architecture and Design of George Nakashima, Antonin and Noémi Raymond, and Junzo Yoshimura in New Hope, Pennsylvania September 2 - November 29. Then there is The Eliot Noyes House: Blum & Poe, Mendes Wood DM and Object & Thing, September 15 - November 28. Both an exploration in art and design collaboration with a focus on furnishings and architecture. Learn more about Shofuso and Modernism here and The Elliot Noyes House here.

Photo credit: Jerry Saltz
There are also a bunch of shows I am eager to see once I have a moment to get back into NYC. If you follow art critic Jerry Saltz on Instagram, he’s doing a wonderful job chronicling current gallery exhibitions. (Plus he is so sweet and charming, it’s worth the follow.) Two shows I hope not to miss - Jean Dubuffet’s sculptures at Pace Gallery and Around Day’s End: Downtown New York, 1970-1986 at The Whitney Museum. I am excited galleries and museums are making the careful effort to reopen. Hopefully signs of good things to come.
The shop is stocked with tons of new work and objects. We are slowly starting to see our fall inventory arrive, but the artwork is coming in faster than I can get it up online! I’ve been open here and there on beautiful days when town doesn’t seem too busy and it’s been a dream come true. Thank you to everyone coming by and shopping online.
May her memory be a revolution.
The Shop Stats
Most overall viewed on website this week Agua Mar by Andreina Bates
Best seller this week artwork by Kristen Coates - thank you!
For those making appointments and visiting the shop, please be kind, wear a mask and respect the four guests at a time policy so we can all feel safe. And if you have any symptoms of feeling unwell go ahead and stay home. We will ship your order to you for free!
Composed while listening to Camden Murphy's new album Love Over Everything on Spotify while sipping some Lambrusco from Bottega Bocconi, which is not something I usually drink, but something about a sparkling fall has me inspired to drink a little sparkly red.
If you are receiving this on a day that is not Sunday, it's because our email system sends out a second time, later in the week, to those that have not opened their email on Sunday...