Digest = me + a possible glass of wine + reflection the previous weeks ongoings and a glimpse into future happenings. You're Welcome.   


Nobody will stop you from creating. Do it tonight. Do it tomorrow. That is the way to make your soul grow. 
- Kurt Vonnegut

I am writing from the road as I drive back from a big trip spent with family on a lake and my soul is buzzing with what’s to come for the balance of this year.

Today is a new moon. And Mercury retrograde. Whether you believe in astrology or not, we are all connected and our surroundings both energetic and physical, are real. So take out a pen and paper and write down a list of intentions for the next lunar cycle. Then put your phones away for the next month and swim out of doors, read books and drop that bag of donations you’ve been meaning to get to all summer long. Think about your intentions and get a few plans in place. Then hit the ground running in September and make all your back to school dreams of a fresh start in fall come true. Don't take my word for it! Chani Nicholas is the expert.

Last night I posted this video of Air performing on the roof of CDG airport. I have always loved this song and I found this particular performance, a reunion of sorts 20 years later for this band, an incredible performance. I also love Snoop Dogg’s enthusiasm and fashion at the Olympics. I know it’s not meant to be about the celebrities attending, but there does seem to be some extra vibes this year (like at F1 and Wimbledon and the Venice Biennale, the world feels like a stage these days) and I'm here for it.

Image WWD

Image Shannon Hammond

I’m amidst making some incredible changes in my business and I am not quite ready to share it all just yet. You may have noticed I’ve been gradually incorporating more and more of my new brand identity into the store and online. I worked for nearly a year with the wonderfully talented The Letterist to make it all happen and now you can find my new colors and marks on everything from our front windows to our signature candle collection.

This summer I've been taking time to be still and to be quiet. I've cut out a lot of things that felt like noise or distraction - something I am really not good at considering I love partying and talking up a storm and entertaining every night of the week. My psyche needed the break, and I think I will continue to go inward a bit longer to sort out a few more things as I am immersed in exploring how my work can be even more of an extension of my world. Having had a gallery now for 12 years, knowing it is always my intention to evolve, it’s meant to take on new forms. It would be too easy to leave it all as is and I really want to push my limits creatively. Even if it is all a bit scary. From October 15 through May 15 my gallery will be closed as we know it in order to get some larger projects in motion and to take several months to be in a creative mindset. We will likely have some events and projects that will be shared throughout the year as well as keeping our online gallery open. I'll share more as it feels right, but for now enjoy this magical summer. 


Live your most extraordinary life as soon as possible. 
Happy weekend from our family to yours!
XO Kristen


A few gallery stats
Best selling artist in the gallery this week Luke Brenner - there are still a few pieces left!!
Best selling object - Our summer candles and they are BUY THREE GET ONE FREE! Thrilled these are continuing to shimmy on out of the gallery as fast as they are- thank you!
Commission studio slots available 1 in August // 1 September // 2 October 

10 Weeks until our fall/winter hiatus at the gallery // Shop Hours are daily 11am - 4pm until October 15

Thinking about a new piece? Or just want to chat art. Text me 401 684-0211 




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  • Wow! Excited for you.
    What a bEaUtIfUl news letter. Good grief!!!

    Colleen Gilmartin on

  • Taking all this in and Being with a lot of what you’ve shared here.
    Looking forward,

    Donna Goldman on

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