Digest = me + a possible glass of wine + reflection the previous weeks ongoings and a glimpse into future happenings. You're Welcome.   


She's a summer love, for spring, fall and winter
- The Grateful Dead
It has been a midsummer's night dream here in Newport. We are just coming off the sweet high of a wonderfully received opening for friend and artist, Luke Brenner. Thank you Shannon Hammond for capturing the scene.  See Luke's show here. 
I have been painting, and swimming so much lately, but really painting, painting and painting more. Honestly I just cannot get enough of all things summer and I can see it in all my new work - look for an email this week as I just photographed everything and I'll get these new works online, but there's a lot and they are all an homage to my childhood self who loved running into the sea, eating berries like candy, spending hours in the garden and finding fireflies in the wildest places. The one pictured here is Confetti Endless Summer. 
I did not get to much in the way of music this weekend, but I did have a pretty adorable full circle moment when Jason Stewart, LA friend of 20+ years hosted his podcast at my sweet hometown theater, Jane Pickens, as part of the Newport Folk Fest. How Long Gone is a fun podcast and it's good to see friends living their best lives, amen. This is a good episode if you want to check it out (because I love Scott Galloway... his new book is chef's kiss times a thousand! I know, it has the least sexy cover you've ever seen, but I promise it's charming and if you have kids or use money to pay for transactions it is particularly juicy. Let me know if you pick it up (or listen to the audiobook like me)....I really want to talk to someone about it )
In addition to a whole bunch of new work from my studio, we have new pieces just in from the framer from Michael J. Paddon, Sarah Bahbah and Paul Rodriguez and we have about a dozen skyscapes in at the end of this week from our dear friend and talented painter, Victoria Duffy. I won't get too crazy in your inbox, but expect a handful of emails from me. Until then, I hope you're summering your best life possible and swimming every day. 
Live your most extraordinary life as soon as possible. 
Happy weekend from our family to yours!
XO Kristen


A few gallery stats
Best selling artist in the gallery this week Luke Brenner
Best selling object - Our summer candles and they are BUY THREE GET ONE FREE!
Commission studio slots available 1 in August // 1 September // 2 October 

11 Weeks until our fall/winter hiatus at the gallery // Shop Hours are daily 11am - 4pm until October 15

Thinking about a new piece? Or just want to chat art. Text me 401 684-0211 




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