Digest = me + a possible glass of wine + reflection the previous weeks ongoings and a glimpse into future happenings. You're Welcome.   


The only way to keep your health is to eat what you don't want, drink what you don't like, and do what you'd rather not. – Mark Twain

I've been experiencing what I can only describe as a blistering episodic migraine for the better part of the last week. Since deciding to transition the store, I've put my mind and body through the wringer, but I'm taking great steps to to take great care for myself. These last couple of weeks have been a lot - there have been varying levels of self-doubt— I wonder if anyone will understand my abstract idea or how I'll even convey it. But that's art. Living as an artist and designer means living my most extraordinary life as soon as possible, identifying new ideas and conceptualizing them until they become reality. No wonder I’ve reverted to a migraine state of mind!

All this to say, stepping through fear has been a bit of a challenge, but wow, even in my worst physical state, I feel incredible—I'm inspired! There's new excitement every day, and I think if I'm vulnerable enough to share the seemingly never-ending migraine saga that is my life these days, I might as well be ready to start sharing some of the newness on the horizon.

Samantha Cassidy has returned to the gallery as a consultant for all things marketing, public relations, and just an epic brand cheerleader. Worth mentioning, she's responsible for "the assistants" series on my Instagram stories featuring Sofia and Mabel you all love so much!

Check your inbox for a new newsletter series, Coates Coded, the sister to the Sunday Night Digest that will likely come as frequently (or not) as this very transmission. Here we'll explore more of my creative process, ideas I'm pursuing, and a montage of current inspirations.

My website is a living work in progress. The next iteration is coming to fruition, and you'll be able to see exactly what we have in the gallery, the design ideas from the Coded newsletter, and ways to make appointments to shop, inquire about design services and art consultation, and book your commissioned artwork. I am currently booking holiday decor design and installation and I have two spots left. Email hello@kristencoates.net to inquire.

What a wild time it’s been these last few weeks. I’m excited to get beyond this current hurdle and share what is next… so here we are... and here we go!

Live your most extraordinary life as soon as possible. 
Happy weekend from our family to yours!
XO Kristen



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