The Sunday Night Digest = me + a possible glass of wine + reflection on the previous weeks ongoings and a glimpse into happenings next week. You're Welcome
There is no such thing as time or days in July. Just sun and sparklers and the water. Enjoy it while it lasts.

If you have been in the gallery or following along on my website or Instagram, you will know I have been painting up a storm at my new home studio. And although I won't be able to host workshops any time soon, I do highly recommend these sweet paint by number kits. My girlfriend Trixie and I had a great laugh over the old paint by numbers we used to get in stockings and at summer camp fell so out of style, but not these kits we remarked! These are cool. I think you will like them too!

I have been ordering different food and beverage delivery lately including Blueprint Juice, Urban Remedy and Sakara Life, but I wanted to share a local company recommended by my dear friend Morgan (she does the most fabulous hair color for me so I of course trust this lady on all levels) - LivPrepared. Not only do they offer a selection of delicious vegan meals, but they have also partnered with the company SunJuice to offer herbal infusions. I was going to try and give a favorite meal or infusion flavor, but honestly they are all my favorites. You can order right from their Instagram account at LivPrepared. Highly recommend!
The Shop Stats
Most overall viewed on website this week Beach Horizon by Kristen Coates
Best seller this week artwork by Michael J. Paddon
If you decide to stop in the shop please be kind, wear a mask and respect the two guests at a time policy so we can all feel safe.
Shop Hours: Daily 11am - 7pm
Online Always
If you are receiving this on a day that is not Sunday, it's because our email system sends out a second time, later in the week, to those that have not opened their email on Sunday...