Digest = me + a possible glass of wine + reflection the previous weeks ongoings and a glimpse into future happenings. You're Welcome.
The world is blue- Yves Klein

Credit Stories Studio
What a glorious moment in time we are living here in Newport, summer has arrived, the hydrangeas are about to burst and we really can sit al fresco for dinner just about every night, and we know how lucky we have it. Speaking of having luck on our side- my sister's best friend has been approved to donate a kidney making Heidi's chances of receiving one just about at 100% !!! I have to say, I don't think I knew how much this whole process has been weighing on me until she told me the incredible news. My emotions explode with the greatness just typing about it now. What a fucking blessing. We are grateful for your unwavering support and well wishes, especially from Sarah - had I known you would become the magnificent mom, sister, daughter and friend you are today, my behavior toward you and my sister may not have been so egregious in the 90s!

Quite small in comparison to a life saving organ appearing out of thin air for my kid sister, I am celebrating the small things in my corner of the world too. This month marks year number 12 for the gallery - how did I get here?! I can absolutely, without hesitation, say it was from a lot of hard work, but mostly it was because of you. What a magical ride it has been so far.
Michael J. Paddon
When I think about where we have been and what is up ahead I have some clarity, but I know the Universe has a way of showing me things beyond my wildest dreams when I let it. I do know I'll have my book with Michael on Italy published by next summer 2025 (finally!!!), I am pushing my limits as an artist and submitting my work to more exhibitions including one for an installation piece that is eons beyond my comprehension how I thought this work up, but here we are and I am forcing myself to be brave enough to put it out there. I know I am on the brink of moving to the other side of fear, again, as I make some major changes in how things are going in my day to day ... a podcast on the way, two other books in the making and the decision to have the store open May 15 - October 15... something I've been fighting for a long time because I want Newport to be year round, but honestly, the winters here hold me back. Forgotten Island just finished out its first full year and there is so, so much more to be discovered and shared. I have a feeling the next decade plus will have the same waves, but different, as these first dozen have shown me, but I also know there is so, so much growth to be had and I'm here for it with sparklers in hand and rainbows shooting out of my eyes with a heart full of glitter and happiness. Onward!
This painting, Blue on Blue, is something I created in almost a dreamlike state. It has been placed in its forever home, but there are dozens of new pieces in the gallery and here online.

I received a parcel of of these marvelous handmade and hand-painted vases from an artist in France. I realize as I type this now, we only have 1-2 left in the gallery and I never even got to posting them online... If you're interested send me a note hello@kristencoates.net and I'll share the details and more photos. I think you will be shocked to hear the prices (in a good way!).
I'll never not be in love with this series. We have a handful of Paul Rodriguez's paintings left in the gallery including this treasure on ice blue paper. They are framed in white and ready to hang. The first thing everyone says when they see these pieces is "oh wow, I love this." The second thing is "I had no idea these were so big!" 37.25"H x 29.5W" is pretty substantial!

Live your most extraordinary life as soon as possible.
Happy weekend from our family to yours!
XO Kristen
Happy weekend from our family to yours!
XO Kristen
A few gallery stats
Composed while listening to my neighbors have a very happy party in their yard
While sipping something red and delicious Michael put in a beautiful Italian glass for me
Best selling artist in the gallery this week Kristen Coates - thank you!
Best selling object - delightful candle sets
Commission studio slots available 1 in June // 3 in July // 2 in August
Thinking about a new piece? Or just want to chat art. Text me 401 684-0211