The Sunday Night Digest = me + a possible glass of wine + reflection on the previous weeks ongoings and a glimpse into happenings next week. You're Welcome.
We are all in this thing together
What a difference a little sunlight can make. This week I spent hours in my studio painting and making up nearly 100 candles! I am hoping to get all new inventory up online in the next couple of days. More on the way this week and of course thank you to everyone taking the time to place orders online, over email, text and direct message on Instagram. I am humbled by the outpouring of love and I am equally inspired to keep creating.
With that said, I feel it's necessary to share that I do not have plans of reopening my store beyond curbside pickup and free shipping just yet. I miss my store so I have been spending more time there to pack orders and post on social media. I miss all of you so I started taking FaceTime and text shopping appointments and it really has helped me to feel more connected (it's easy to book, just reply to this email!). There is nothing quite like doing what you love for a living and I love having a retail shop, but the fact remains we really don't have a cure for Covid and since the symptoms are not always apparent I cannot put myself or my clients at risk. At this point the shop is a safe place for me to put together my online orders. Perhaps if the numbers get really low or if there is a widespread accessible vaccine I could see some way of opening my doors, but for now I hope you will continue to support me online. It has meant a lot to me to see those orders roll in and to get all of the emails and texts of how happy the shop makes them feel even in this iteration. It makes me happy too so the show will go on so to speak, but in this new virtual way for now.

Happy weekend from our family to yours
Much love XO Kristen
The Shop Stats
Most overall viewed on website this week Newport Landscape by Kristen Coates
Best seller this week artwork by Kristen Coates - thank you!
New work coming soon from Wendy Briggs Powell, Ashley Provencher, Nancy Parsons, Michelle Brunner, Rebecca Adler, Alannah Grasso (she makes porcelain pasta!!!!!!!) and more! I can't wait to share it all with you.
Composed while sipping chilled rosé!
A note to those waiting on orders: Orders with Lighthaus, linen masks and candles will ship or be ready for pickup on Monday. Orders with paint kits will ship either Friday or the following Monday. I appreciate your patience as my vendors and I adjust to delayed shipping and broken supply chains. All other orders are shipping very much on time.
A major thank you to all of those working on the front lines. Healthcare workers, cashiers, delivery, first responders - I have been in awe how so many have come to our aid in order for us to stay home. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
If you are receiving this on a day that is not Sunday, it's because our email system sends out a second time, later in the week, to those that have not opened their email on Sunday...