Image courtesy of Akoonk Media / Satellite image of Altadena

There aren’t words for the devastation our friends, family, colleagues and clients are experiencing in Los Angeles. As an artist, collector and gallery owner, I know the hope art can bring to a house, helping to make it a home. I know an original piece of art speaks louder than anything else I can provide for my grieving sisters and brothers.

Archvl is an online art exchange, emblematic of being resilient, rebuilding. A trove populated for people who have been affected by the LA fires by artists doing what artists do, creating beautiful things that not only elicit hope, but mark a moment in time.

Artists may submit work they would like to offer on the exchange free of charge. People affected by loss from the fires in Los Angeles may inquire on art that speaks to them and they would like to commit to having in their new home. The artist agrees to hold the work until the recipient can receive it. The recipient agrees to receive the singular artwork they have selected. We are working on a fund for shipping costs to be covered, but in the meantime, we are hopeful the artist and recipient can manage delivery.

Archvl and the exchange is an experiment born from my incredibly limited skillset which includes managing art and logistics, and my call to help all that I can to rebuild what was lost with beauty and hope.

To submit, please send a few photos of the art work you are 100% willing to donate 100% free of charge with dimensions, title and IG tag. Once your artwork has been selected by a recipient, we will connect you to the recipient. Please include your email address.

To inquire, please note the title and artist of the artwork you would like to secure along with an email address.

To note, this is all very independent and community driven. Consider this the world’s first online honor art bar. We have very little personnel to manage any nonsense and so nonsense is prohibited. We put this concept out there with much love and Light and Hope for the best. Please make the best of it.

We encourage others to mimic our platform, please don’t hesitate to ask us for details. All communication for Archvl will exclusively be handled through its dedicated Instagram account @archvlart It will be populated with art as we receive submissions

With much love and hope, XO Kristen

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